5 Ways a Social Media Marketing Business is Like Soccer

Sarah as pre teen playing soccer in red, long sleeved jersey

While soccer is the most popular sport everywhere but the United States, it has been my favorite since I started playing in kindergarten. Playing soccer gave me a way to make friends after moving across the country (and then the state) and helped me develop skills that contributed to me being a *relatively* well adjusted adult.

Dedication, decision making, and problem solving were all instilled and refined throughout my days of playing midfielder. Now I count on those skills while running my social media marketing business. Not only do acquired skills translate well from playing soccer to running a business, the structure of a soccer team and a social media marketing business are similar. Whether you’ve been in business for years or are just getting started, read on to learn how your soccer/fußball/fútbol experience can help you run a successful social media marketing business. 

1. They’re Team Sports

Even though Ink & Olive is a business of one, there are several other small business owners I count on to help me generate ideas, create content, and keep me sane.

I rely on Melissa Ferguson Photography to take my marketing photos; Cameron of Minds Vault Media for shooting video; Hollie of HD Creative Studio for inspiration; and Stephanie of SPW Design for sharing resources (to name a few).

Not only do these people lend their skills, their friendship means the world to me since they can relate in ways others just can’t. Similarly, I know I could reach out to any of the girls I played soccer with my senior year of high school and the feelings of being undefeated up until our championship game would come rushing back. No one can relate in the same way as a teammate who has experienced the same wins as well as heartache. 

2. They Have Raving Fans

I have the best hype women a social media marketing business owner could ask for. My best friend, Alex has been hyping me up since I started Ink & Olive, talking about me behind my back in all the best ways.

"Surround yourself with women who would mention you in a room full of opportunities" 

My other besties constantly cheer for me from the sidelines, reminding me that I’m right where I’m supposed to be. Surround yourself with friends who feel your wins like their own and support your dreams and ambitions. 

3. They Have a Coach

Who keeps the team on track? A coach. 

I’m not suggesting you hire a business coach, just that it’s important to have someone with more experience than you that you can learn from. 

Even when you have the knowledge and experience to run your own social media marketing business, it’s important to continually improve your skills by learning from others. You can be a business of one and still seek out mentors and learn from your peers. 

My most notable IRL “coach” is my brother-in-law, who runs his own digital marketing business. He directed me when I established my LLC and has talked me through how to break up with a client, ask for more money, and how to word about a hundred different emails. As my business and experience have grown, I may pick up the phone a little less but knowing he’s there makes all the difference.

Yes, I’m extremely privileged to have a fellow digital marketing business owner in the family but “coaches” don’t have to be people you meet for coffee or even meet at all. I also consider Gary Vaynerchuk to be a coach because I’m constantly learning from him. 

“Don’t justify your dreams. Execute them” -Gary Vaynerchuk

Honestly, I don’t agree with everything Gary V. says but you don’t have to agree with someone 100% of the time to learn from them. He’s worth over $200 million and has over 30 million followers across platforms, so he obviously knows what he’s talking about…

4. Shoot From Outside the Box

Shoot from/think outside the box (in your own as well as your clients’ businesses). You won’t always score but when you do, it feels damn good.

Don’t follow trends just for the sake of following trends. If you are going to embrace social media trends (think trending Reels sounds, memes, etc), be intentional and provide value in how you relate them back to your business.

When ideating campaigns, think beyond what’s “always been done” and compose concepts and strategies that work toward goals from new angles. Just as not every shot is a goal, not every idea or campaign is going to “go viral”, but successful marketing hinges on fresh ideas. 

5. It’s OK to Sit The Bench

Being on the field isn’t always what’s best for the team. Sometimes it’s necessary to sit one out. The same is true when running a social media marketing business.

There will be times when a prospect will decide not to work with you and that is Ok. They have to do what’s best for their business and it doesn’t mean you don’t have the skills, just that you aren’t the right fit in that case.

Sometimes you’ll pull yourself out of the game, realizing that you and a client aren’t the best fit. Knowing when to sit out is just as important and valuable as the decisions you make once you’re on the field.

From knowing when to work with clients, to thinking outside the box once you have them, to benefiting from all who support and mentor along the way, running a successful social media marketing business is reciprocatory to being part of a soccer team. If your favorite things also include playing soccer, running a social media marketing business, and slightly reaching metaphors, follow Ink & Olive on Instagram for more. 


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