Increase Your Productivity with These 6 Tips

Stay Motivated and Increase Productivity

Entrepreneurs often start their own businesses out of passion, not always realizing all of the administrative work that comes with the territory. Whether it’s tracking expenses and invoicing, database maintenance and lead generating, or even publishing to social media, how does a one-person-show keep up with all of these tasks? If your motivation is dwindling and managerial tasks are getting you down, try the below tips to increase your productivity.

Time Block

Prioritize your less than favorite tasks by time blocking and completing them first thing in the morning. Even if you don’t need the reminder, make sure you’re entering exactly what tasks you’ll complete each day on your calendar. Set expectations and making a commitment not to double-book yourself.

Drink Water and Get Sunlight

“Drink water and get sunlight. You’re basically a house plant with more complicated emotions.” 

It’s a saying for a reason. Be sure to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning and pace yourself for the rest of the day. While the most common recommendation is eight 8 oz glasses a day, do some research and stay hydrated; even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired.

Need help staying on track? Use a water bottle that indicates how much you should drink by certain hours of the day or a bottle that tallies how many times you have refilled.

In addition to staying hydrated, be sure to get outside. Twenty minutes of sunlight a day can help you soak in the recommended 800 international units (IU) of vitamin D , helping you avoid fatigue and lethargy, among other ailments. 

Differentiate Your Workspace From Your Personal Space

Work from home? Work in a separate space designated for work that when you enter, you are in work mode. And whatever you do, don’t work from bed. Studies show that working from bed trains your brain to associate your bed with work, making it harder to fall asleep at night.

A friend recently told me about one of their friends who leaves his house like he’s going to the office, walks around the block as his “commute,” and when he re-enters his home, he is at work. I love this super clever way to get steps in and train your brain for productivity during the work day. His commute home then allows him to disconnect from work and relax in the evenings.

Personalize Your Workspace

Whether personalizing with photos or investing in a cozy chair, adorn your work space in a way that makes you excited to be there. Be careful of making your workspace too cozy, however; you don’t want to be tempted to nap.

Some of my favorite office updates include:

Take Breaks

While taking frequent breaks may sound counterproductive, studies show that it can actually help combat lethargy without negatively impacting cognitive performance and productivity. After every hour of sitting, take a five minute walk up and down the stairs, around the block, or wherever you can get in steps.  

Reward Yourself

Did you stick to your schedule and complete your check list for the day? Treat yo’self!


Take an extra long walk, reward yourself with Starbucks, or break for a Youtube dance session. Train yourself to complete your least favorite tasks quickly by enjoying a not too guilty pleasure as a reward.


While organizing emails, tracking finances, and other managerial “to-dos” may not be your favorite tasks, they are fundamental to business. Don’t forget why you pursued entrepreneurship in the first place and try these six tips to get through the busy work and increase your productivity. 

What are your best tips for staying focused throughout your work day? Comment below or share on Facebook or Instagram


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