Elements of an Email Signature and How to Stand Out

Elements of an email signature

Email communication is frequent and unavoidable so, in a world of digital, often faceless communication, how do you stand out from the crowd? Of course your email copy should be on brand and personalized to the specific communication but what about your email signature? You do have an email signature, right?

Your professional email signature is your closing handshake. This parting exchange should be eye-catching, memorable, and representative of your business and all you have to offer. From the elements that all email signatures should include to the personalized details that can help you stand out, email signatures should be prioritized and beautified.


Your Email Signature Should Include:

Your Name- For obvious reasons.

Position- Whether you are CEO or entry level, you are an expert at something. Share your position as a way to help illustrate your value.

Website Link- Share your website as a clickable URL so that email recipients can easily learn more about what your company does and who it serves.

Social Media Links- Have clickable links or icons that point to your social media channels. 


If you have them, include:

Headshot- Put a face to your name by updating your email signature to include a professional headshot.

Alternate Methods of Communication-  Do you have an office phone number? Cell phone number? If you want to encourage alternate means of communication, share that information in your signature. However, I will not publish my phone number, as I prefer to communicate through email.

Awards and Designations- You earned them so show them off.

Tagline- A tagline’s purpose is to provide clarity or emphasis, helping highlight a brand’s mission, purpose, or culture. Adding your tagline to your email signature helps readers understand and relate to your mission. 


While adding too much can create clutter, choosing one or two of the following can help personalize your email signature even further: 

Logo- Your logo is your most recognizable aspect of your branding so if you have one, consider using it in your most commonly used mode of communication.

Video Link- Upload a short introductory video to Youtube that you link to in your signature.

Illustration- A custom illustration ensures that your signature will not look like anyone else’.

The world is absurdly fast paced with people receiving hundreds of emails each day. Think about how many emails you trash without even opening or skim while quickly scrolling to the bottom. Increase your chances of a more in depth read and standing out to recipients by being intentional and personalizing your email signature.

Need help personalizing your email signature or looking for a custom illustration? Reach out to me here.


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